
Wernsing Feinkost GmbH is part of the Wernsing Food Family. We recognise the increasing importance of sustainability and social responsibility in our group of companies. For this reason, we have decided to tackle key sustainability issues together as a group of companies.

The challenges in the areas of ecology, social affairs and sustainable corporate management are diverse and complex. As part of the Wernsing Food Family, we recognise that we cannot overcome these challenges alone. By joining forces, we can benefit from shared resources, experience and expertise. The need to promote sustainable practices goes beyond individual company locations. It is therefore important that we take a united approach as a group of companies.

1. Code of conduct - code of conduct for business partners and employees of the Wernsing Food Family

2. Declaration of principles on compliance with corporate due diligence obligations in the supply chain


It is of fundamental importance to us to ensure respect for human rights and environmental standards in all areas of our business activities. In our declaration of principles, we clearly acknowledge this important concern and emphasise our commitment to it. The contents of this declaration not only reflect our convictions, but also serve as a guideline for our specific attitude and approach to dealing with environmental and human rights risks.

Due to the diversity of our business activities and the complexity of our international supply chains, we recognise that despite our efforts, social and environmental risks may not be identified in a timely manner, which could lead to grievances. We therefore encourage you to report any indications or concerns regarding potential human or environmental rights violations within our supply chain via our central complaints platform. Your input is vital to ensure that we can work together to address violations and uphold our commitment to ethical and sustainable business practices.

3. The link to the central complaints platform under the LkSG can be found here

4. Rules of procedure for the complaints procedure under the Supply Chain Due Diligence Act (LkSG) and the Whistleblower Protection Act (HinSchG)

5. Documentation: LkSG Report 2023

6. Whistleblower system
The whistleblower system of Wernsing Feinkost GmbH.
As a responsible and reliable company, we want to behave in accordance with the rules at all times - both externally and internally. In order for us to live up to this claim, it is important that we learn of potential misconduct and put a stop to it.

By reporting misconduct, damage or legal consequences for us, our employees and the Group can be avoided. It is important to recognise breaches of the rules in good time, investigate them immediately and rectify them promptly. We have set up a whistleblower system for the confidential reporting of such violations. The whistleblower system guarantees the highest
possible level of protection for whistleblowers and those affected.

For this purpose, Wernsing Feinkost GmbH has created several ways in which a notification of a breach of rules can be communicated. The whistleblower is therefore free to choose how they wish to inform Wernsing Feinkost GmbH. In order for your report to be processed and investigated appropriately, it is important that the report is as specific as possible. It is helpful if you consider the five W-questions in your report: Who? - What? - When? - How? - Where?

The following reporting channels exist:

1) (Anonymous/open) reporting via a whistleblower platform
You have the option of submitting information via an internet-based communication platform. This is confidentially and protected. You decide for yourself whether or not you want to reveal your identity to the company. We have set up a reporting centre. This serves as an internal contact point for compliance violations and is responsible for reviewing the reports. If you wish to make a confidential report or transmit information in encrypted form, please use our whistleblowing platform

2) Direct contact to the internal reporting office
It is possible to contact our whistleblower protection officer personally. The whistleblower protection officer protects the identity of the whistleblower through her duty of confidentiality. You can contact her by telephone, post or e-mail.

Wernsing Feinkost GmbH

Whistleblower protection officer
Kartoffelweg 1
49632 Addrup-Essen
Tel. 05438 / 51-605

Reporting Platform - Wernsing Food Family GmbH & Co. KG

7. Other relevant documents (compliance):
Report in accordance with the Hazardous Incident Ordinance